Sunday 23 October 2016

Tips for success

This is linked to the last post about Bloggers block and originally there was going to be a post or two between them. However this past month I lost my second rat Splinter after a bad health period for him. So instead of putting this post off, I decided it's best to just do it now. These are things that I've been told, or I've told others and thought they would probably be better all in one place. So here we go!

Stop snoozing!
Stop hitting the snooze button!
They say how you get up the morning or start the morning is how you are going to get through the day, so you snooze you lose basically. Just throw it against the wall and start the day with a bang...literally if you throw it hard enough!

Stop putting it off!
Stop waiting until the next day, the next month and so on. Exactly what or who are you waiting for? Go get it done! Procrastination doesn't help in anyway because you will regret it when you realise just how much you could have got done.

Don't be materialistic.
Be motivated by accomplishing something good, or intelligence and knowledge. Yeah OK money is good, it helps pays bills, keeps us fed and warm in a home. It's not all there is in your success though, owning fancy cars or big houses is nice I'm sure, but that's not all there is in your life.

Get off your butt!
Heard someone say this on the train to work "aw i should really get ***** sorted out but I can't be bothered and would rather watch TV" Failed already! Being lazy is great when you actually have nothing to do and can relax, but you won't get anywhere with anything if you don't actually do it. So get off the couch or where ever it is you're being lazy, you know you've got stuff to handle like a boss!

Accept the failures.
Don't panic if you fail, turn it into a funny story or take what you learn from it and step it up on your next go. Don't give up because one chance didn't work out, just keep moving forward.

Don't be silent!
Say you need help! You can miss a lot by just not saying anything, say you are looking for work or say you need help to get your promotion and prove why you should! All anyone can say is no to you and the opposite of that could lead to something good for you.

Celebrate others success.
 Other peoples success is not your failure, jealousy is an absolute sneaky bitch that way. Focus on your own efforts and then it will be you with the success, don't let someones goals make you feel like your goals aren't worth trying for.

Focus on you!
Do it for you. You can't make everyone happy, you would be surprised how many people try to keep everyone happy and then end up miserable in the process. You don't need to be selfish or a jerk about it, but just know when you need to step back and work on you and your happiness.

The bottom line.
Don't give up. The world doesn't owe you anything, not a single damn thing. So go out there and work your ass off and make things happen instead of waiting. 


I've seen a lot of people, myself included, do some if not all of these things. There is a reason some sayings are cliches and it's because they are truth and that is why they are forever quoted, because they work. I've been doing these and accomplished many goals whether they are big or small, and clearly wouldn't have done it if I had sat around on my butt. Success doesn't mean the same to everyone, for some it is that high ranking and well paid job, for some it's recognition for their hard work, for others it's just self improvement. No matter what the goal is, the success will never be reached without working for it.

B x

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